As a manufacturer, we possess innovative line production, that represents modern bathroom amenities. We can boast plenty of international certificates, that prove the quality of our products, their robustness and durability.
Certyfikaty ISO
Certificate ISO
Certyfikat ISO
Zertifikate ISO
Certyfikaty CE
Umywalki Naszafkowe CL20 DE
Declaration of conformity
Umywalki Nablatowe CL20 FR
Umywalki Naszafkowe CL20 DE
Umywalki Wiszące CL20 DE
Umywalki Wiszące CL20 DE
Certificat – receveur de douche
Code of conduct
Kodeks postępowania
Atest higieniczny
Attestation Reach 2012-2
Attestation Reach 2012-1
Prufbericht DIN 51097 – antiderapance
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Contact us and our experts will be pleased to answer them.